Before I die

Hello Lovelies!

I know many people who have a "Before I die" list and I know not many of them will actually pursue the adventures they take time to think of to put on the list. I, however, am determined to do at list half of theses.  These are the ones I feel are most important to me, i wont write about them all, maybe I will in a separate post another day. You may find them a bit random but to be able to say I've done them would be a dream come true. All images taken from Google.

Go Skiing
In my previous post I wrote about going to Austria to ski. This would tick off two of my wish list ideas. Im not exactly looking how to be a pro at it, I just want to try it out and if I do enjoy myself then maybe learn more skills and techniques.

Go Cage Diving
Many of my adventures on this list do over lap with my travel wish list just like this one. I wouldn't be brave enough to actually go swimming with sharks but if I'm in a secure cage I'm sure I'll be fine.

Go on a road trip
The idea of seeing a new place every day for a number of days really excites me. I'd love to either travel around Europe or America. Id go with a few friends in a VW Camper Van. We wont need much which will make it a relaxing journey and id appreciate things more which having all my stuff with me, like the sights and the people.  

Go on an Africa Safari
Being meters away from creatures like Lions and Elephants, animals you wouldn't see here, would be mind blowing. I've been on Safari's like Longleat and West midland safari park but they do not compare to the real experience I guess. 

Go Skydiving
I know someone who went Skydiving recently and they said it was incredible so I thought i'd put it on my 'before i die' list. This one doesn't over lap with my previous post because Im sure I can do it locally.

Learn how to play Guitar
I bought a guitar ages ago but it has just been sitting there in the corner of my room collecting dust. I keep saying i'd learn how to play it but then other things like exams and school work come up and I just don't have the time then. Hopefully i'll start soon though.   

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